Saturday, April 18, 2009


Certain moments in everyone’s life are too precious and get engraved on the mental piece of mind forever. Thinking of these moments we can see our-self smiling even during the lone hours. It could be any moment, big or small. It could be your first salary, first car, first time you played a tune on your guitar, a time when you made a difference in someone’s life or a time when you made some one smile. All that matters is that ‘it was your moment and you were the HERO’

Yet, we forget to acknowledge these achieving moments during the hour of crisis. Our mind gets clouded by the pressure of ongoing problems of life and all we see our-self merely as a poor, ill-fated, helpless fellow dealing with tough situations most of the time.

Amid challenging circumstances, we either forget or forgo our past achievements and dwell only in the pain of existing difficulty. We lose the trust in our ability to combat & conquer any difficulty that comes across. It’s human to feel this way …even the bravest gets afraid at some point of time in life. The quest is not that “why we feel afraid, down & depressed?” but the bigger quest is “What to do when we feel so?”

Here go some effective suggestions-

  • Create a positive ambience around you. Deck your personal space with the record of your achievements, no matter big or small. Seeing yourself as an achiever everyday does help….trust me on that.
  • Maintain a diary for yourself and mention all the memorable moments of your life in that. Keep the tone as if you are conversing yourself and always write it when you are high spirited.
    Inculcate a habit of reading positive literature & success stories of others. You never know who can be your miraculous inspiration in life.
  • Avoid mingling with people who pull your moral down unless you are substantially empowered to influence them with your optimism.
  • When situation is tough & depressive then “bring change” in life. Change the appearance of your room by shifting furniture etc, bring home some new plants or pet if you prefer, make some change in your life style & routine.


Saturday, October 6, 2007

When You want to be strong..........

Probably one of the weakest yet undeniable moments in our life comes when we lose control on our senses. When the situation becomes so miserable that we completely fail to get a hold on our self and calm down. We wish to have someone beside us to make us feel protected…… We want to talk to some one but there’s just silence around……. We want to be loved but there’s sheer loneliness.

This could happen in both personal & professional fronts. The moment makes us feel dejected & we seem to be losing the sense of self worth. At this point we just wish for a miracle to happen which could conveniently get things back to normal & let the whole phase pass as a nightmare. How I wish life could be steered by wishes!!

However, we should never forget that this world is meant for the brave species & strong existents. Darwin’s theory exists & implies beyond age. Trust me, if we don't take control on our life now, life probably wouldn‘t grant us a choice later.

  • DON’T search for support or help outside. If we cannot support our self, then practically no body can.
  • We didn’t come in this world with an expectation of support from others. God didn’t send us on somebody else’s guarantee. He has send us as an individual, then why should we look for someone else to help us for our cozy survival?
  • THINK…Is breaking our self for someone or something really worth it? Will things get fine if we break down or will it get worse? Instead of collapsing in front of loneliness if we try to speak to our self, we will hear a voice. Trust me we can hear it….Just speak to yourself, ”I am with you….I am your strength…..You are not alone…Why do u cry for someone when I am here?
  • Our true self will never leave us no matter what comes!
  • Lets be our own friend ….love our life….treat our-self the way we expect from others…if we cant treat our-self decently well, then how can we expect from others to do so?
  • Everyone faces a moment when words don’t work and preaching could not be recalled. At that time if we just talk to our-self, we will be patient and feel supported. We will not be alone any more. Our true self would be taking care of us!
  • Just be sure, all good times and bad times are to pass. Nothing is here to stay for ever. When we get weak just need to remind our-self that this moment too is going to pass. It’s just a matter of time & till that anticipated period gets over, don’t feel alone. Our true self is with us…FOREVER.


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Source of Happiness

We often get to hear others & our own self complaining about the miseries & troubles of a challenged life. “All the troubles are due to my disability” ”Life could have been better if I was on toes & not wheels” These perhaps are a few common statements of a disabled individual. We blame our disability & physical limitations for all the troubles we face in life. We think all the sadness is due to our limited physical capabilities. But is it an insured assurance that we would have been an all time happy person if we were not challenged? Is there any fail-safe guarantee that things would have been immensely better & our life would have had no misery if we were not challenged?

Though it is an undeniable fact that leaning forever on someone for our reliance is immensely frustrating, but our disability certainly should not be held solely responsible for the sadness in our life. Sadness is the outcome of attitude. If a person does not have the right attitude of living life with contentment then he could never be happy even with or without an able body.

Limitations are with everyone, it is only the form that varies. A normal bodied person envies a happy looking disabled for all the favours he gets from government & people around, whereas a disabled person envies a tall man passing by with a normal limb. It’s mostly a reverse process.

A person can be happy or unhappy not usually due to physical challenges but the challenges of his own attitude & outlook. People on wheelchairs also enjoy life & sports because it is the way they accept, adapt & aspire to be happy even with their disability. On the contrary there are innumerable people around us who are busy criticizing others, complaining about life & feel miserable even after possessing a normal body.

Whenever you are about to hold your disability responsible for your troubles just look around & ask yourself-
Are all able bodied people around you have been perfectly happy?
Are only those people who do not walk have been sad?
Is walking normally the only source of happiness?
If you were normal bodied would you have been saved from all the troubles?

Think about a childless couple, a drug-addict, a criminal, an orphan, a victim of crime, don’t they feel devastated? Miseries are a part of life & there is no particular target to blame for. One misery will follow another & one challenge will succeed another. It’s a vicious circle and that’s the way life is meant to be. Days are never the same, seasons are never the same & exactly in the same way, life is never the same. The only thing that gives consistency to happiness is our attitude towards life.

No one could factually disagree that our disability adds up to out troubles. It certainly makes things difficult but it is our attitude that makes the situation even worse. If a person values life & wants to be positive & happy about it he can be, even with or without a disability. On the other hand if a person doesn’t know where true happiness for him comes from, he can never be happy even without a disability.

Try to figure out your source of happiness. Be sure it cannot always come from a walk without disability only. Experiment, & explore your source of contentment & reach for it. Develop a sense of worth. Self realization & valuing your existence will make the world realize your value…that’s the way life deserves to be lived.

Friday, April 20, 2007

When You Are Shattered by Challenges...

Mind is power & optimism is the food for a healthy soul. Everyone is facing challenges in life, be it physical, emotional or financial, the quantum or nature of suffering may vary but not the severity. If there’s suffering then it’s bound to hurt. It’s unjust to say that I am suffering more than him coz he is short of money but I am short of physical capabilities.

These unrealistic & impractical comparisons will only add up to our miseries. It’s not the time to think how much I suffer & why, rather its high time to see how I can make a difference in my life by working with these limitation. It’s better to understand this fact as early as possible that “thinking or crying won’t change the situation”. You are going to be what you are. The only thing that can create a difference is your outlook for yourself. If you think of self pity then that’s what you will get from others and if you learn to respect your existence then you will see its replica in everyone’s eye.

It’s good to be sensitive but worse to be vulnerable. When we are physically weak it becomes indispensable to be mentally strong. Survival of the fittest is the unaltered rule of life. God gives us life but the right to live is left to be earned by us. It’s our choice rather to stumble on the hurdles or get strengthened by the challenges. These are not mere motivational sentences that are written out of a fit of emotional outburst but it’s the writing of practical experience which has seen the difference these words make when adapted in true sense.

In everyone’s life there are moments of highs & lows. There are good & bad days as well. Most positive person also can’t stay positive everyday just like the fact that a doctor too needs medicine. Then what makes a person a survivor? I believe it’s the victory over those weak moments. When we learn self control & little maturity to understand our-self & the people around us then we can definitely develop the skill to keep calm during the most devastating moments of life.

Certain things are destined to happen and certain situations are bound to be faced. Circumstances can’t always be under our control. When we are in the middle of an unpleasant situation just think that everything has to pass, nothing stays forever so how can this situation stay? Trust me it works wonders, when you put constant efforts with the faith in yourself the results are favorable.

You can trash it as a piece of philosophy or adapt it as a rule of life, in anyways, it’s not going to make a difference for anyone but you. We are solely responsible for our thoughts, acts & their results, how can we blame anyone for what we are. Tools to carve our life is in our hands ….lets shape it the way we want…!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

When you are feeling low...

A common question that almost every disable person asks the God at some point of time is “Why me?” He cries, screams & complains “Why did you give me all these troubles? Why did you snatch my right to live a normal life?” If God was to answer this, he would have probably said “I can’t answer this question 650 million times”

Believe it or not but the fact is-

* About 650 million people in the world experience disabilities of various types and degrees.
* The day-to-day life of 25% of the world's population is affected by disability — which affects

entire families, not just the individual.
* 80% of the world’s disabled people live in low-income countries; the majority of them are poor

and cannot access basic services including rehabilitation facilities. (Ref,

There are millions of people suffering in the world. The world still has a large percentage of population struggling to civilize. Television, telephone, computer, automobiles, education etc still sound weird to many in this world.

Do you think we should be sad about being what we are? If you think yes then try out this simple exercise -
1. Make a list of all the activities you can do under the heading “Capabilities”. Also include all the

special qualities you possess (remember no one in this world is born without a quality. It’s just a
matter of realization)

2. Now make another list of things which you can’t do (write only those inabilities which affects
your life to a great extend). Write them under the heading “In-capabilities.

3. Strike off your in-capabilities with capabilities.

To your surprise you will realize that most of the time you are left with more capabilities than in-capabilities.

What if you can’t open the door when someone knocks it, at least you can converse when he gets in.
What if you can’t ride a bike, at least you can watch others riding it.
What if you can’t cook for others, at least you can manage to arrange it.
What if you can’t be solely independent, at least you can live a fairly dignified life.

Do you remember the names of 5 people who cried about their problems & became famous? The answer definitely would be NO. Now do you remember the names of at least 5 people who overcame their physical challenges, never sighed and became renowned? I bet the answer would be YES and the count would be far more than 5. Now, to become an answer for which question is entirely your choice.

Remember – nothing in this world can boost you up, its only you who do it for yourself. We think that after reading a book or reading an article we feel better but the fact is, it isn’t that piece of writing that worked but it’s our acceptance of the positive thoughts written in it. No motivational book in the world tells us anything which we didn’t already know. It’s just that our negativity doesn’t let our high spirits come out. This is the moment when we have to defeat the negative thoughts & recollect out shattered confidence to once again stand high on our feet. The miraculous words to be chanted are “I AM ALIVE COZ I AM WORTH LIVING”. God never makes mistake. He gave me birth and made me the way I am. This is not a mistake and I AM PROUD TO BE WHAT I AM. I came in this world to leave a lesson for others to follow. I will make the best use of what I have. If I can’t run towards my destination, I will walk. If I can’t walk towards it, I will kneel. If I can’t even kneel…I will crawl and achieve it but in no condition I would let these physical restrictions hurdle my path. I am not in this world just to run, dance or walk but to shape up tomorrow’s world and that is not done only by physical capabilities but by the POWER OF MIND.

When God made all the living beings he placed brain at the top and gave it the supreme position in the whole body. This positioning itself is the reflection of the universal truth that “MIND RULES THE BODY”. A man whose strength lays in his mind can never be defeated by his physical weaknesses.